So, David is a shepheard and he basically spends all of his time with his sheep. (I don't know if he has any other animals to look after but I like to think he has some hamsters also.) His life and work is his sheep. David is also a Christian. David has a few brothers who are in an army. Davids bothers were fighting an army who had this huge giant called Golaith. Golaith is, so far unbeatable. (Probably because all of the solidiers are afraid of him. I know I would be.)
One day it's Davids job to take some food to his brothers in battle. When he got there all he could see on the soldiers faces was fear. Everyone was afraid of Golaith. Golaith had been threatening the army for quite a while. David took it upon himself to fight this huge giant. All of the Soilders thought David was a bit of a fool for wanting to fight this unbeatable giant, they proably thought he was going to die. David, not being an army man, didnt have the same muscles or weight as the soildiers so none of the armour that he could use would fit him. He couldn't even use the swords the army used becuase they were too heavy for him.
Instead, David used a sling shot. He went down to a lake and picked up 5 stones/pebbles and went on his way to defeat Golaith.
To cut a long story short David took one stone/pebble and with his sling shot slung it right at Golaiths forehead. Golaith fell face first down to the earth, he was dead.
To see the long version of that story click the link I posted earlier.
Now that you roughly know about David and Golaith here are some little facts for you (please correct me if i'm wrong).
Golaith was 9.8 foot tall. Which dosent sound very giant to us but back in the olden days people would have been a lot shorter than we are today so to David he would have certinaly have been a giant.
Golaith weighed 57 kilograms. Again this dosent sound a lot but this was back in the olden days where people had to literally go out and kill a cow for a big mac.
A soilder would weigh 7 kilograms. So this means Goliath was roughly 8 times heavier than a soilder. Thats the same as one average male man verses 5 average size elephants!
We also have to take into thought that David wasn't the weight of a soilder he was much skinnier. Therefore David must have looked like a small dot compared to Golaith.
Right, so we have David a small, unskilled worker who spent most of his time on his own against a giant who could proabably squish David with his little finger if he wanted to. How did David win? With God.
David knew that God wouldn't leave him when he needed him most.
All that David needed to kill Golaith was one stone/pebble and some faith in God.
Those keen eyed readers out there might have noticed that David picked up 5 stones/pebbles to kill Goliath with. Was this becuase David thought that he couldn't kill him with 4 stones/pebbles? Was it becuase he doubted Gods ability to help in the first 4 times? No. The reason David picked up 5 stones/pebbles was because (wait for it..)
Golaith had 4 other brothers.
David thought that when he killed Golaith with one stone he might have to kill all his brothers too. So he picked up 5 stones, just to be sure.
As long as you keep a strong faith in God remember that you can overcome any Golaith in your life.
I don't mean go out and kill the talest person you see.
I mean if anything ever you come across something that you think is too big to get over or people who are 'better' than you cant get over, try bringing God into your problems. I can assure you you'll be amazed at what you can do.
I'm sory it was a long one.
email us at with any questions you might have.
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