Testimony time!
I am very blessed to have Christian parents who are heavily involved in the work that goes on the Church. The first time I ever went to Church was when I was 8 days old. Ever since then I have gone to church every Sunday (once in the morning, then sunday school in the afternoon and once again in the evening). Even though I was brought up in the Church every day when I went to school I was surrounded by people who were not Christians and some who literally resented the idea of God for one reason or another.
Looking back I can see that my peers were probably the biggest reason for me putting off becoming a Christian.
When I think back to the time I spent in Church growing up it's filled not with listening to amazing sermons, powerful worship and dynamic fellowship. Instead it's filled with trying to get to the next level on the super Mario game I was playing on my game boy advance. I literally spent the first 13 maybe 14 years of my life playing on my game boy rather than actually listening to the preacher. *facepalm*
When I think about it I don't know what's worse, going to church and considering yourself a Christian but all the time your there you just play video games or not going to church at all. I suppose my
upbringing in the Church did help a lot with me becoming a Christian, but it upsets me that I missed 14 years of two sermons a week and I'll never get a chance to learn from them again.
Anyway, when I was in year 10 of school (aged 14 years old) a friend of mine started up a Christian Union in my school. I went along, not because I wanted to learn more about Jesus, but because I wanted to be a good friend (and I had nothing else to do on a Wednesday lunchtime). One of the only talks I remember her doing was a talk on the rapture. We we're shown a video of a cartoon version of the rapture happening and one person who thought they were a Christian got left behind on earth. This literally scared me. I didn't want to be like the person in the video who thought they were Christian and was left behind because they were living a lie.
Skip forward a few months and nothing had changed, it's not like I was a bad person, I just didn't want to be a Christian.
In the same year all this was happening I got invited to go to a local night of worship for the youth of
the local area. Reluctantly I went.
I can't remember what the talk was that night, nor can I remember what songs we sang for worship.
But I can remember in that little Church I became a Christian, and my life hasn't been the same since.
About 2 years ago I started leading worship on the piano in the Church I've gone to since I was 8 days old and as of earlier this year I play the piano, guitar and sing every sunday in Church. I love leading worship and I hope to do it until I get to old to stand up on my own.
Last year I got baptized in water and it was the most surreal experience of my life, made even better by getting to invite people to church who wouldn't have gone to church other wise.
As of last year my friend Hannah and I started Christian Union in our school and since then we have 9-10 regulars and 4 people have become Christians (which is awesome!!!!).
I know I speak for Hannah and I when I say we love doing Christian Union and we both want to continue to do Christian Union once we've left school.
That's it! (So far anyway).
If you have any questions feel free to email us at christianunion.blog@gmail.com.
Andrew :)
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